Discover insights from my featured interview on using competitive analysis for strategic marketing pivots, shared on

Featured Interview on Competitive Analysis and Marketing Strategies

I’m thrilled to share that I was recently featured in an insightful article by In it, I discussed the pivotal role of competitive analysis in marketing strategies.

In the interview titled “How Can Competitive Analysis Lead to a Strategic Pivot in Marketing?” I joined other thought leaders in exploring how deep dives into competitive landscapes can significantly influence a company’s marketing direction. Particularly, I focused on the necessity and benefits of honing in on a niche to shorten the business development cycle—a strategy that has proven essential in today’s fast-paced market.

The last few years have been a rollercoaster for businesses worldwide, and like many, we noticed a shift in the pace at which we were closing new business. This prompted an extensive review of our past decade of clients, leading to pivotal data-driven decisions that reshaped our target audience and marketing strategies. The outcome was not just a more streamlined business development process but also more effective client engagements.

For those contemplating a more focused marketing strategy, my advice is simple: Evaluate your past clients based on personal fulfillment, value recognition, and profitability. Assign ratings to these factors to gauge whether your engagements were genuinely successful and fulfilling. This approach has been instrumental for us in refining our focus and achieving more with less.

Read the full article here to get a comprehensive view of the discussions and insights shared.

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